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Garden of
Medicinal Herbs

Sai Yood
Gurjunoil Tree
Cassia Bark Tree
    Clerodendranthus Herb

Chinabox Jasminorange

Garden of Medicinal Herbs

Flower of Chinabox Jasminorange

Perfume plants are not a family in botany, and they consist of a large group of plants that have perfume substances. The latest studies indicate, China has more than 800 varieties of perfume plants; Yuanan has over 600 varieties and Xishuangbanna has more than 500 of them. 

Gurjunoil Tree

At the time of establishment, the Tropical Botanical Garden of Xishuangbanna put sufficient emphasis on the researches of perfume plants, and it has made remarkable achievements in this field. The researchers there published many special works on perfume plants and they also established the largest living gene storehouse for perfume plants there. The Garden of Medicinal Herbs occupies an area of 5.7 hectares and it transplants more than 300 varieties of perfume plants, including world famous perfume plants such as caylon cinnamon bark, cassia bark tree, Cananga odroata, Syringa microphylla, Peruvian balsam, Myroxylon balsamum (Linn.) Harms, Aguilaria sinensis(Lour.) Gilg., Piper arborescens Rosb. (Pothomorphe subpeltata<Willd> Miq.), etc.; at the same time, there are also local and sub-tropical perfume plants in the garden, of them, many are special and new perfume plants of Yunnan, such as Cinnamomum tenuipilum Kosterm., Elsholtzia communis(Coll.Et Hemsl.) Diels, Cinnamomum heyneanum Nees, etc. They are all rare perfume plants of the world and have great potentials for commercial development. Besides, the garden also collects many traditional eligible perfume plants, such as lemon grass used by the Dai folks to cook meat and Sandalwood, which is a traditional Buddhism perfume. Their study on perfume plants won the awards of the provincial and national level for many times. The Garden of Medicinal Herbs has close cooperation with foreign countries, such as Japan, in the study on perfumes.

Medicinal Herbs Collecting

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