Cassia Bark Tree |
In the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicines, we could find a medicine named
"the shell of cassia bark tree"; if you take a piece out and chew it in your mouth, you will find it is fragrant and hot; but you will soon feel sweet. As a matter of fact, it is the bark of cassia bark trees.
Cassia bark tree is an evergreen arbor; its barks, branches, leaves, fruits and flowers could produce balmy oil used in food, drinking, tobacco and medicine industries, as the essence of perfumes, cosmetics and daily consumables
etc. The oil output rate of the bark is 2.15%, the branch is 0.35%, the leave is 0.39% and the seed is 2.04%. All parts of the tree can be used in medicines. The shell is the so-called bark of cassia bark tree, which is a rare traditional medicine; and can be used to tonify the tummy, circulate blood, and to stop pains. Its branches can be used for increasing perspiration
and circulating the veins.
The cassia bark tree originates from China and scatters in humid tropical areas such as Guangxi, Canton,
Fujian, Taiwan and Yunnan, particularly Guangxi. There are also some in Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia etc. Cassia bark trees are mainly planted artificially, and their seeds are mainly cultivated. In this way, their parent features can be preserved; and the barks are easily skinned.
