12月23日 星期日 阴转多云间晴
明天是圣诞节(Christmas Day),队里已扎好圣诞树,放在食堂里。午饭时,以圣诞树为引子,福西先生和我们展开了一场争论。
It is Christmas tree.”“Yes,tomorrow is the Christmas Day”福西先生高兴地接下了我的话题,稍一停顿,他立即问:“How
about in China?”“No body remember the Christmas Day ,
probably.”我回答。“Do you believe religion?”“No!”我很干脆地回答,“How
about Mr. Li?”“Same as me, I think”我替小李回答。“Nobody
believe religion in China really?”福西进一步问我。“Very
few!”我进一步补充说,“Every body can believe it, if
you want.”停了一会,福西突然话题一转,说:“Your
government just allow one baby for a family. That is no good, I
goes against the doctrine of religion.”福西理直气壮地说。“I
do not know any religion doctrine,but I can not agree with you.
You know there are too many people now in China. If every family
can get babies as they want, it will be no place to keep life
for people in the future, which should be a big problem. Do you
think so?”我这样反问福西,他稍停了一下,话题又转:“In
China, everthing just decides by a few leaders. People only
follow them. And people do not know why need they do, how to
do”“I do not think so”没等福西先生说完,我接下了他的话:“That
situation as you said has finished since 1979. Now, every thing
is changing very quickly. People, most of them, can know why
need they do and how to do. Maybe you should visite China.”“I
hope so!”福西笑了。我们结束了争论,一道进餐。
哈得雷企鹅在休息 |